Latest News
Important Events | Date |
徵稿Call for papers | 2024/6 |
摘要投稿截止日Deadline for abstract submission | 2024/09/18 ->延長至09/25 |
審查結果通知Notification of acceptance | 2024/10/09 |
發表者註冊繳費截止日Deadline for regular registration | 2024/10/20 |
公告發表場次Announce Presentation Agenda | 2024/10/25 |
無發表者註冊繳費截止日Non-presenter registration deadline | 2024/11/08 |
研討會會議Main conference | 2024/11/16 |
投稿主題 Topics
- 課程與教育實踐 Curriculum and Instruction
- 教育哲學與教育史 Philosophy of Education and History of Education
- 教育心理 Educational Psychology
- 學習發展(含大學生發展) Learning Development (Including Student Development in Higher Education)
- 教育行政管理與領導 Educational Administration and Management
- 創造力研究與教育創新(含科技運用AI, VR, XR...) Creativity Research and Educational Innovation (Including Technological Applications, such as AI, VR, and XR).
- 全球素養 Global Competencies
- 台灣教育趨勢議題與其他教育重大議題(含性別平等教育、生命教育、雙語教育及本土語言教育等)Issues Related to Educational Trends in Taiwan and Other Important Issues (Including Gender Equity, Life Education, Bilingual Education, and Native Language Education)
Keynote Speaker
指導單位:教育部(Ministry of Education)
主辦單位:國立中山大學(National Sun Yat-sen University)、台灣教育研究學會(Taiwan Education Research Association)、全球華人創造力學會(Global Association of Chinese Creativity)
承辦單位:國立中山大學教育研究所(Institute of Education, NSYSU)、國立中山大學師資培育中心(Center for Teacher Education, NSYSU)、國立中山大學教育與人類發展研究全英語學位學程(International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development, NSYSU